Monday, July 30, 2007

i'm so tired.

Tired isn't the half of it.

Every night, I come home exhausted just to wake up the next morning, unwilling to get out of bed. Then, of course, I'm late for work. Is it work that takes it out of me? Or something else? Is it work that stresses me out to the point where all I want to do is "relax" after work with a few beers, which only wears me out for the next morning?

I don't think work has anything to do with it. I can shrug off bad things at work better than some, and I try to never take any bad feelings that I do harbor home with me (though sometimes it's inevitable).

No, I think it's something else. There's something in my life nagging me and just sucking my soul out through my pores. It drains me, makes me bitter, makes me angry all of the time.

If it could manifest itself into a living being, I'd gladly take care of it with a shotgun and a shovel and call it a day.


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